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Deloitte | July 2018 - Currently | Barcelona, ES

Software consultant for one of the major insurance companies in the world, Allianz.

My job in the BUX team is the development of a new e-commerce platform for the purchase of travel insurances.

This platform is built with modern technologies, such as Angular 7 and Java/Spring, with automation frameworks like Karma, Selenium, Cucumber, Protractor, JUnit and RestAssured for the testing and quality assurance, and Jenkins for automatic and continuous deployment.

All this is done in an international environment, good communication with people in different countries is a must on a daily basis, and everything is done under AGILE methodologies.

Lastly, I'm currently the technical lead of the team, providing support and reference to the other members of the team, code reviews feedbacks and point of contact for any person that need support from our team.

axial3D logo

axial3D | Feb 2017 - Jul 2018 | Belfast, UK

Started in the company with an Erasmus Internship, now working as a full time software engineer.

Most of my tasks are of a full-stack developer. Improve, maintain and test both front and back ends of two different websites build with two different stacks.

Other tasks:

  • Help the ML team with some tasks in Python/Flask/Celery.
  • Creation of automation scripts with Ansible/Vagrant/Docker.
  • Development with Python of CLI interfaces for our APIs.


Electronics Engineer

Engineering Knowledge:

  • Mechanics, Physics, etc.
  • Electricity.
  • Electronics.
    • Analogic and Digital circuits.
    • Automation.
    • Robotics.
    • Embedded Systems.

Programming Languages

  • Proficient:
    • Java
    • Python
    • Web Development
  • Familiar:
    • C
    • Verilog
    • Assembler
  • Basics:
    • C++

Web Development

  • Proficient:
    • HTML, CSS, JavaScript
    • jQuery, AngularJS
    • Java, Spring
    • MySQL, Hibernate
    • SemanticUI, Bootstrap
  • Familiar:
    • Wordpress
    • PHP, Laravel
    • NodeJS, ExpressJS
    • MongoDB
    • Python, Flask


This Page

Responsive page made from scratch with Bootstrap and jQuery


Drone UNEX

Responsive page made for a working group about drones of my university

Made with NodeJS, ExpressJS and MongoDB


Caelikers España

Responsive page made for a friend who has a fan group on twitter of this Youtuber

Made with PHP, Laravel and MySQL

Not Deployed


Collision Avoidance System for Drones

My degree's final project

A serie of ultrasonic sensors controlled by an Arduino board

The Arduino reads the value of the sensors, and sends movement orders to the flight controller if needed


Snake Game

A project for a university subject using a STM32F4 dev board and FreeRTOS

It is the classic snake and the movement of the snake are controlled by the gyro and accelero sensors


PIC16 Robot

A project for a university subject using a PIC16F883 microcontroller written in Assembler

The robot has a number of movement that depends on the number of claps that it recieves with a microphone and it has an utrasonic sensor to prevent collision


MIPS R2000/3000

A project for a university subject using a Xillinx Spartan FPGA board

Develop a MIPS processor from scratch with Verilog



Full Name: Shao Fu Hu Wu

City: Barcelona, Spain

Phone: [+34] 699 555 248